Land Dynamics

Would you be interested in leasing an entire acre for the nominal fee of $1.35 per month? This enticing opportunity is being extended to America’s cattle sector by the government. Corporate cattle ranchers stand out as a unique example of entities thriving without direct land ownership (refer to the link below). The scarcity of land emerges as a central issue across the globe, affecting various demographics, particularly Generation X, Y, and Z Americans who find themselves priced out of the housing market.

The aspiration of owning a quarter-acre lot with a detached four-bedroom house has become increasingly unattainable due to the population boom coinciding with a shortage of available land. Recent headlines have proposed “manufactured housing” (mobile homes) as a potential solution, albeit with residents being charged significantly more than the nominal $1.35 per month. Those aspiring to address the housing challenge may consider applying for mobile home park zoning permits at the state or county level.

Contrary to a prevalent myth, early European settlers did not arrive in North America solely to practice their religions in peace; rather, their primary motivation was the availability of (relatively free) land. In Europe, real estate was predominantly owned by the crown, petty royalty, hereditary landowners, or the church. Four hundred years ago, Europeans faced limited options: become a lifelong tenant farmer, engage in mining or factory labor, or seek opportunities in the New World. Some migrants, facing destitution, even signed 25-year indentured servant contracts, guaranteeing them 40 acres of colonial timberland and a mule. The allocation of South America was ultimately determined by the Pope, revealing the historical reliance on military means despite the existence of international organizations like the United Nations.

Arguments about the mistreatment of Native Americans often overlook the fact that Stone Age people migrated from Asia to the American continent during the previous ice age. The ensuing 15,000 years witnessed inter-tribal struggles over hunting and fishing rights, akin to real estate wars. The complexity of these historical dynamics is evident in records and cinematic representations like “The Black Robe” or “Dances with Wolves.”

Modern instances, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, echo historical land grabs, with Russia aiming to secure Ukraine’s agricultural resources and energy reserves. Similar motives underlie conflicts like the Israel-Gaza confrontation, Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, and geopolitical ambitions like Putin’s efforts to rebuild the Soviet Union. Notably, landownership extends beyond governments, with individuals like Archie Emmerson, John Malone, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, T. Boone Pickens, Clint Eastwood, Tom Brokaw, Joe Montana, and Nolan Ryan holding significant acreages. However, the utilization of these lands for farming, ranching, or affordable housing remains unverified without supporting evidence.

The overarching theme across many current and historical wars is the pursuit of land. The 21st-century surge in migrants, whether heading to the USA, Canada, Australia, or Europe, is predominantly driven by landless peasants escaping regions like Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. Unlike previous generations, these migrants lack ownership of family farms or other real estate, emphasizing the urgent need for global solutions addressing overpopulation and finite land resources to secure a peaceful and prosperous future for our planet.

A Steal of a Deal: How Ranchers Take Advantage of Public Lands • The Revelator